Pick Your Summer Programs:

All of June and July

Only Vertical? Only Strength? Only Speed Agility? Or do you want it all? You can choose to break it down or take it all….

We have 45 min -1 hour programs 2-3 Days a week or 1 1/2 hour workouts.

Options for workouts:

  • Speed & Agility only 2 or 3x a week

  • Vertical only 2 or 3x a week

  • Strength only. 2 or 3x a week

  • All Around Training 2-3 or 4x a week

Please pay via Venmo @ SOSImage or Call w/ CC or Check/Cash - MUST BE PAID BEFORE DAY 1

**We are limiting this year to having only 70 athletes as we are focusing on small group workouts and individualizing each work out for what the athlete is looking for.**

All Around Sports Performance Training Information

Who We Are

Athletic Empire offers training programs for athletes for any sport and at any fitness level with the single goal of improving their performance. By having a firm knowledge and understanding of the human body and how it performs in sports (kinetics), we design customize programs to enhance an athletes performance and overall athletic ability. Whether the goal is to improve sports performance, rehabilitate injuries or just overall improvement in their fitness level; Athletic Empire has the tools to meet the needs of every athlete that completes our program.

What We Do

One of our primary strengths is our ability to master the art of group training. We call it “Customized Group Training”. We thrive on the atmosphere, comradery and competitive nature of athletes and harness the energy of “team” by using group training. We individualize each athlete’s workout by customizing to their specific needs and goals, empowering them to strengthening their weaknesses and improving their overall performance in an ideal group environment.

Why We Do It

In today’s society everyone is lifting weights, performing plyometric moves and speed training. So to say that one is only training is not enough. If you want to differentiate yourself from just lifting, running and performing plyometric training, you need to do all of these things better. Being good is simply not enough. There is very little distance between good and great. To go from good to great you need do things the right way, which is our motto at Athletic Empire. Simply put, if you are not executing good to great efforts, you are not separating yourself from your competition. There is no secret about lifting, running and training. These training practices are already being done. Your ability to offset your performance level is by improving on these simple things, doing them better and doing them right and that’s what Athletic Empire is about.